CGSA Outdoor Rules

**Please reach out to a CGSA representative for a paper copy or email for a pdf copy of these rules. Due to formatting these rules may not read perfectly on this website.**

**Please note any time a CGSA team enters a tournament or outside event, those rules will trump CGSA rules and will need to be followed by all players.**



Rule 1: The Field of Play  

Official soccer fields are always rectangular and marked with boundaries called goal lines, touch lines,  halfway lines, a center mark (circle), and a corner mark. 

· Touch lines: the longer boundaries (length-wise) or "sides" of the field 
· Goal lines: the shorter boundaries along the goal-line or "end" of the field 
· Halfway line: divides the middle of the field in half 
· Center mark: a circle that intersects the halfway line in the middle of the field.
· Corner arc: arcs in the right angle formed from the intersecting touch lines and goal lines, corners are marked with flag posts. 
· The goal area and penalty area: lines extend from the goal posts to form a rectangular goal  area, and a larger penalty area is created around the goal box. This is where goal kicks are taken  and it is the area in which the goalkeeper can use their hands. 
· The goal: Goals are made of a crossbar and goal posts. Goal posts must sit on the white lines.

Rule 1


Rule 2: The Ball  

For a ball to be considered official, it is required to be spherical, made of leather or other suitable  material and it is of proper size. The ball circumference cannot be more than 70 cm (28 inches) and not less than 58 cm (23 inches).  

Soccer balls come in 3 different sizes: 3, 4, & 5. The ball size is shown on the ball. 

U5: Size 3
U7: Size 3 
U9: Size 4
U11: Size 4
U13: Size 5
U15: Size 5
U17: Size 5

Rule 3: Number of Players  

· If a u9 or older team has less than 5 players present, the game is considered a loss for that team, and at that point both teams are encouraged to divide up players and enter into a fun scrimmage or team practices.
· There is no time limit for players to arrive at the field and be allowed to play
· All players including trialists must be listed on the game sheet. 
· Unlimited substitutions. 
· Trialist is defined as a player who can play on another team at the same age group or higher for up to 5 games for one team and up to 7 games total in the season. A team may use up to a maximum of 5 trialists per game, so long as they do not exceed their original roster size per team ramp registration(IE/ if a team has 12 players and 2 are ill, they may use 2 trialists, however if 7 are ill they may only use 5 trialists.) Any coach using trialists during a game must email their soccer director the name of the trialist used, and their original team.
· Substitutions may only enter at the halfway line, upon the referee’s approval, and after the  player being subbed out has left the pitch. The goalkeeper may be substituted with anyone on  the pitch or any eligible substitute on the bench during a game stoppage. 

Modified 2024 Outdoor Season Age Groups and Players on field: 

U5: 4 players on each team 
U7: 5 players on each team
U9: 7 players on each team* 
U11: 8 players on each team*
U13: 8 players on each team*
U15: 9 players on each team* 
U17: 9 players on each team*
* Minimum 5 players to start or continue a game, other team does not have to match player numbers,  they can play up to their allowed number players on field.

Rule 4: The Players Equipment  

· A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous 
· All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands etc.) are  forbidden and must be removed. MedAlert Jewelry is the only exception to this rule and all coaches and referees must be made aware before the game begins.
· Small stud nose piercings will be allowed. However players and parents are asked to NOT get a player's nose pierced during an active soccer season. 
· Using tape to cover Jewelry is not permitted except in the instance of covering small stud earrings, however hoops are not allowed in any circumstance and must be removed*.

*Please note CGSA rules may not be the same as other entities and if your player enters a tournament or is representing CGSA at an outside event they are expected to follow all piercing rules of said event.

Compulsory Equipment 

· Stockings (socks) 
· Shin guards (covered entirely by stockings, rubber/plastic, provide reasonable protection)
· Suitable outdoor footwear (cleats/boots cannot be metal) 
· Goalkeeper must wear different color jersey than all other players and referees
· If player leaves field to correct equipment, they must be checked by the referee before re-entering the field of play 
· If cautioned during play, free kick to opposing team at spot of ball when play was stopped

Hard Cast Policy 

· Rigid/Hard Casts are not allowed to be worn in any game 
· Soft (Neoprene) Casts are allowed 

All rulings are at the discretion of the referee as to whether or not the cast, brace or equipment is  potentially injurious to another player

Rule 5: The Referee & Assistant Referees  

· The referee is in charge of the match and enforces the Rules of the Game, they may be assisted  by two assistant referees(ARs) who run along the touch line; the assistant referees help to indicate fouls, off sides and assists in indicating and monitoring substitutions 
· Allows play to continue when the team against which an offense has been committed will  benefit from such an advantage and penalizes the original offense if the anticipated advantage does not materialize at that time 
· The referee's decision is final. The referee may not change a decision on realizing that it is incorrect if  play has restarted, e.g. Restart after goal scored, signaled end of 1st or 2nd half. 
· Takes disciplinary action against players guilty of technical offenses, cautionable and sending-off  offenses. The referee does not have to take action immediately but can wait until the ball next goes out of play 
· Within reason provide direction and clarification to players as needed during the game 


**Any level of Harassment or Abuse will not be tolerated at referees, officials or players, any  incident will be recorded on the game sheet and submitted for CGSA committee to review for  possible further sanctions and disciplinary actions** 

**In-game action can include verbal warning, yellow card or red card as determined  necessary by the Referee** 

Rule 6: The Duration of the Match

· 2 halves specified by the age group times below (unless mutually agreed upon by both teams and referee) 
· Halftime interval must not exceed 5 minutes 
· The extra time generally corresponds with the referee’s determination of how much time was  taken up due to substitutions and injuries. 
· During particularly hot, or smoky days, the coaches, upon agreement and/or with the referee's direction, can take extra water breaks during each half time. 
· If the game is called before it has finished for any reason(ie: weather) and 66% or more of the game has elapsed the game will be considered played, if less than 66% of the game has elapsed the game will be considered unplayed, and will be rescheduled.

Age Groups Times: 

U5: 25 minute practice, 30 minute game: 2 X 15 minute halves, 5 minute halftime
U7: 25 minute practice, 40 minute game: 2 X 20 minute halves, 5 minute halftime
U9: 2 X 30 minute halves, 5 minute halftime 
U11: 2 X 35 minute halves, 5 minute halftime
U13: 2 X 40 minute halves, 5 minute halftime  
U15: 2 X 40 minute halves, 5 minute halftime
U17: 2 X 40 minute halves, 5 minute halftime

Rule 7: Start and Restart of Play  


· Occurs at the start of a match, after a goal is scored, and at the start of 2nd half of match. 
· Home team must decide if they want the ball or to choose their side to start game: 
- If the Home team chooses the ball they will kick off the 1st half, the Visitor team chooses the side to start.
- If Home team chooses side, the Visitor team will kick off 1st half. 
· Teams change sides and attack the opposite goals in the 2nd half of the match with the opposite  team kicking off with the ball in the 2nd half. 
· After a team scores a goal, a kick-off is taken by the team who did not score.


· All players must be in their own half of the field except the player taking the kick-off · Opponents of the team taking the kick-off must be outside the center circle (30 feet from the  ball)  
· Ball must be stationary on the center mark 
· The referee gives a signal(a blown whistle or hand signal)
· Ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves in any direction
· Free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the kicker touches the ball again before it is  touched by another player (double touch) 
· The kick-off is retaken for all other infringements at kick-off 

Rule 8: The Ball In and Out of Play  

Ball out of play 

The ball is out of play when: 
· it has wholly passed over the goal line or touchline on the ground or in the air
· play has been stopped by the referee.

If the ball touches a match official, remains on the field of play and: 
· a team starts a promising attack or 
· the ball goes directly into the goal or 
· the team in possession of the ball changes 

In all these cases, play is restarted with a dropped ball to the team who had possession before the ball  touched the match official 

Ball in play 

The ball is in play at all other times when it touches a match official and when it rebounds off a goalpost, crossbar or corner flag post and remains on the field of play. 

Rule 9: Methods of Scoring  

· A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and  under the crossbar, provided that no offense has been committed by the team scoring the goal.
· If the goalkeeper throws the ball directly into the opponents’ goal, a goal kick is awarded.
· The team scoring the greater number of goals is the winner. If both teams score no goals or an  equal number of goals the match is drawn. There is no overtime in CGSA.

Rule 9

Rule 10: Offside

The Offside rule applies to U13, U15 and U17 age groups. There is NO Offside rule in U9 or U11.

Offside position:
         It is not an offense to be in an offside position.  

A player is in an offside position if: 
· any part of the head, body or feet is in the opponents’ half (excluding the halfway line) and · any part of the head, body or feet is nearer to the opponents’ goal line than both the ball and  the second-last opponent 
· The hands and arms of all players, including the goalkeepers, are not considered. A player is not in an offside position if level with the: 
· second-last opponent or last two opponents 

Offside offense 

A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched by a team-mate and is only penalized on becoming involved in active play by: 
· interfering with play by playing or touching a ball passed or touched by a team-mate or
· interfering with an opponent by preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the  opponent’s line of vision or 
· challenging an opponent for the ball or 
· clearly attempting to play a ball which is close when this action impacts on an opponent or · making an obvious action which clearly impacts on the ability of an opponent to play the ball 

No offense -
There is no offside offense if a player receives the ball directly from:
· a goal kick 
· a throw-in 
· a corner kick 

Offenses and sanctions 

If an offside offense occurs, the referee awards an indirect free kick where the offense occurred. 

The offside rule is one of the trickiest rules of soccer. The basic concept is that a player must have at  least one defender (not including the goalie) between them and the goal when the ball is played to them when they are in the opponents half.  

In the diagram below, the red player closest to the goal is offside because there are not two defenders between them and the goal when the ball is passed to them.


Rule 11: Fouls and Misconduct

A free kick* is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following 7 offenses  in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:
 · Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent 
· Trips or attempts to trip an opponent 
· Jumps at an opponent 
· Charges an opponent 
· Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent 
· Pushes an opponent 
· Tackles an opponent 

A  free kick* is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following 5 offenses: 
· Holds an opponent 
· Impedes an opponent with contact 
· Bites or spits at an opponent 
· Handles the ball deliberately (except goalkeeper within own penalty area) 
· Makes contact with a held object or throws an object at the ball, opponent or match official 

**A direct kick is awarded at U11, U13, U15 and U17. An indirect free kick is awarded at U9.

An Indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the goalkeeper inside their own penalty area commits one of the following offenses: (free kick taken from spot of offense

· controls the ball with the hand/arm for more than six seconds before releasing it
· touches the ball with the hand/arm after releasing it and before it has touched another player
· touches the ball with the hand/arm, unless the goalkeeper has clearly kicked or attempted to  kick the ball to release it into play, after: 
· it has been deliberately kicked to the goalkeeper by a team-mate 
· receiving it directly from a throw-in taken by a team-mate
· Controls ball with feet or body in penalty area for longer than 5 seconds to purposely delay  game before then touching the ball with hands

A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: 

· the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or  by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds from the  goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save 
· holding the ball in the outstretched open hand 
· bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air 

A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s).

Disciplinary (Cards) 


(Accidental, carelessness, or due to player’s incoordination) 

Means that the player has shown a lack of attention or consideration when making the challenge or that they acted without precaution: no further disciplinary sanction is needed if a foul is judged to be careless 

· First and second offense will be a free kick and verbal warning for each offense
· 3rd offense is yellow card (persistent foul ruling)(player number and team noted by referee)
· 4th offense is 2nd yellow and red card. Player is sent off and team plays with 1 player down for  

the rest of the game. (player sent off is to leave the field and bench area before the game can resume) 


(Intentional, extreme carelessness, recklessness) 

Means that the player has acted with complete disregard of the danger to, or consequences for their opponent: a player who plays in a reckless manner shall be cautioned  

· First offense is yellow card)(player number and team noted by referee) 

· 2nd offense is 2nd yellow and red card. Player is sent off and the team plays with 1 player down for the rest of the game. (player sent off is to leave the field and bench area before the game can resume) 

Using excessive force: 

(Extreme aggression, intentional, excessive force and dangerous play) 

Means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring an opponent: a player who uses excessive force shall be sent off 

· First offense is a red card. Player is sent off and the team plays with 1 player down for the rest of the  game. (player sent off is to leave the field and bench area before the game can resume) 
· If a red card is shown by a Referee, a report including player #, team and details of the incident  are to be recorded and provided to the league committee
· Straight red cards will be reviewed by the league disciplinary committee for potential further  suspensions or disciplinary action 
*Red cards at U9. Offending team does not play with 1 player down for the rest of the game, the red carded player can be replaced. At the Referees discretion, if an offending U9 team and its players are abusing this rule, the Referee can remove a player from the offending team if a 2nd player is red carded


· Spitting at or on another player, team official or referee is an automatic Red Card.   Player is sent off and the team plays with 1 player down for the rest of the game. (player sent off is to leave the field and bench area before the game can resume) 
· Spitting downwards (ruled as not intentionally at a player, team official or referee) is a Yellow  Card (player number and team noted by referee) 

 Handling the Ball 

For the purposes of determining handball offenses, the upper boundary of the arm is in line with the bottom of the armpit 


handling the ball


It is an offense if a player: 

· Deliberately touches the ball with their hand/arm, including moving the hand/arm towards the ball  
· After the ball has touched their or a team-mate’s hand/arm, even if accidental, and immediate leads to a goal or creates a creates a goal-scoring opportunity  

It is an offense if a player touches the ball with their hand/arm when:  

· The hand/arm has made their body unnaturally bigger  
· The hand/arm is above/beyond their shoulder level (unless the player deliberately plays the ball  which then touches their hand/arm 
· The above offenses apply even if the ball touches a player’s hand/arm directly from the head or  body (including the foot) of another player who is close 

Except for the above offenses, it is not an offense if the ball touches a player’s and/arm: 
· If the hand/arm is close to the body and does not make the body unnaturally bigger
· Directly from the player’s own head or body (including the foot)  
· Directly from the head or body (including the foot) of another player who is close 
· When a player falls and the hand/arm is between the body and the ground to support the body, but not extended laterally or vertically away from the body  

In determining whether or not a player deliberately handled the ball, the referee has several considerations:  

· Movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand)  
· Distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball)  
· Position of the hand ('natural' position versus 'unnatural' position) does not necessarily mean  that there is an infringement 

All handball offenses will be at the Referee’s discretion based on these rules.

Rule 12: Free Kicks  

A direct free kick means that the kick can be taken as a direct shot on goal.  

See Rule 12 for when to award a direct free kick. 

A direct kick can be awarded at U11, U13, U15 and U17. An indirect free kick is awarded at U9, there are no direct kicks in this age. 

An indirect free kick means that someone else has to touch the ball before it can be taken as a shot on goal.

Indirect Free Kicks are awarded to the opposing team if in the opinion of the referee, a player:
· Plays in a dangerous manner 
· Impedes the progress of an opponent 
· is guilty of dissent, using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures or other verbal offenses 
· Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from their hands 

· A free kick is taken from the place the offense occurred. 
· If a free kick is kicked into the players own goal, a corner kick is awarded to the opposing team · Ball must be stationary 
· Free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the kicker touches the ball again before it is  touched by another player (double touch) 
· All opponents at least 30 ft from the ball (unless they stand on their own goal line between the  goal posts) 
· Ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves 

Retake free kick if: 
· opponent is closer than 30 ft and no advantage 

Rule 13: Penalty Kick

A penalty kick is awarded if any of the 12 direct free kick offenses in Rule 12 are committed by a  player inside their own penalty area irrespective of the position of the ball. 
· Penalty kick is taken from the Penalty Mark 
· Player taking penalty kick must be clearly identified 
· Goalkeeper only required to have one foot on the line, facing kicker, between goalposts until ball has been kicked 
· All other players outside the penalty area and penalty arc, behind the penalty mark and at least 30 feet from the penalty mark 

· When all players are in their positions as per above, 
· Referee signals for penalty kick to be taken 
· The penalty kick must be kicked forward and is in play when it moves forward
· Player taking the penalty kick cannot touch the ball again until it has touched another player
· The penalty kick is completed when the ball stops moving, goes out of play or the referee stops  play for any offense. 

*U11 Level and lower - NO Penalty Kicks (New and early developing goalkeepers)   

*U13, U15 and U17 - Penalty Kicks are allowed



Rule 14: The Throw In  

A throw-in is awarded to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball when the whole of the ball passes over the touchline, on the ground or in the air. 

A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in: 
· if the ball enters the opponents’ goal - a goal kick is awarded 
· if the ball enters the thrower’s goal - a corner kick is awarded 


At the moment of delivering the ball, the thrower must: 
· stand facing the field of play 
· have part of each foot on the touchline or on the ground outside the touchline
· throw the ball with both hands from behind and over the head from the point where it left the field of play
· All opponents must stand at least 2 m (6ft) from the point on the touchline where the throw-in is to be taken. 
· The thrower must not touch the ball again until it has touched another player.
· The ball is in play when it enters the field of play.  
         o If the ball touches the ground before entering, the throw-in is retaken by the same team  from the same position.  
         o If the throw-in is not taken correctly it is retaken by the opposing team. 

Age Groups Throw-in attempts: 
U5/U7: Mini Soccer at Coaches discretion 
U9/U11: Up to 3 attempts at referee’s discretion 
U13: Up to 2 attempts at referee’s discretion 
U15/U17: 1 attempt 

Rule 15: The Goal Kick  

A goal kick is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, on the ground or in the air,  having last touched a player of the attacking team, and a goal is not scored. 

A goal may be scored directly from a goal kick, but only against the opposing team. If the ball directly  enters the kicker’s goal a corner kick is awarded to the opponents. 

· Ball can be kicked from anywhere within the goal area by a player on the defending team
· Ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly move (does not have to leave the penalty area)
· Opponents must be outside the penalty area until the ball is in play 

Retreat Line: Applies to U9 and U11 age groups only 
The Retreat line will be in effect at Goal Kicks.
All players of the opposing team must pass the retreat line at a goal kick.
If the Retreat line is marked on the field that is the retreat line. 
If no Retreat line is marked on the field, the retreat line is the center line. 
In all age groups, when the Goalkeeper picks up the ball during play, there is no Retreat line but all opposing team  players must be outside the penalty box.

An Indirect Free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the kicker touches the ball again before it is  touched by another player(double touch). 

Rule 16: The Corner Kick  

A corner kick is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, on the ground or in the  air, having last touched a player of the defending team, and a goal is not scored. 

A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick, but only against the opposing team; if the ball directly  enters the kicker’s goal a corner kick is awarded to the opponents.

· The ball must be placed in the corner area 
· The ball must be stationary and is kicked by a player of the attacking team
· The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves; it does not need to leave the corner area
· The corner flag post must not be moved 
· Opponents must remain at least 9.15 m (30ft) from the corner arc until the ball is in play

An Indirect Free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the kicker touches the ball again before it is  touched by another player (double touch)


Player Eligibility
In line with ASA by-laws, players must only be registered for one youth soccer organization at one time during a season, and may therefore not knowingly register within CGSA while registered for any other youth soccer entity whether community or club.  


Field player substitutions are unlimited at the Referee’s discretion and direction. (U5 and U7: Mini Soccer substitutions are at the Coaches discretion) 

To replace a player with a substitute, the following must be observed: 
· The referee must be informed before any substitution is made 
· Receive the referee’s permission to leave the field of play, unless already off the field, and must  leave by the nearest point on the boundary line unless the referee indicates that the player may leave directly and immediately at the halfway line or another point (e.g. for safety/security or injury) 

Changing the goalkeeper :
Any of the players may change places with the goalkeeper if:
· the referee is informed before the change is made 
· the change is made during a stoppage in play 

All substituted players and substitutes are subject to the referee’s authority whether they play or not.

Too many players:
· only stop play if there is interference with play 
· have the person removed when play stops 
· take appropriate disciplinary action, warning and play restarts with a direct free kick to the  opponents 

Defenders Wall 

· Where 3 or more defending team players form a ‘wall’, only defending team players are allowed  in the “wall”. No attacking team player is allowed in the “wall”, near the “wall” or interfere with the “wall” until the ball is in play 
· If, when a Direct or Indirect free kick is taken, and an attacking team player commits one of the  offenses above and the advantage rule does not apply, the free kick is retaken 

Drop Balls 

· Drop balls can no longer be contested.  
· The last team to touch the ball when play is stopped will have possession of the dropped ball  from that point of the field. 
· One caveat: any play stopped in the penalty area will be returned to the goalkeeper no matter  who possessed the ball at the stoppage. 


· Teams on opposite sidelines on field 
· 1 half of the field is designated for players/coaches and must be 10 feet from the center line.  For insurance purposes, nobody EXCEPT coaches and players listed on roster are permitted in this area. All spectators, family, siblings and additional children must remain on the other half of the centerline. 
· The other half of the field is for parents/spectators and must be 10 feet from centerline
· Players, Coaches, Parents and spectators must be 5 feet back from the sideline. (Objective is to have buffer/free space at center line and away from the sidelines)

Blood Policy  

· Player leaves the field and is attended to by team officials to stop bleeding.
· Each team will be provided with gloves and sanitizing supplies. 
· If a player leaves the field due to bleeding and the injury is treated, bleeding has stopped and  the wound is securely covered
· The player must be checked by the referee before re-entering  the field of play. 

Field Markings

Referee Hand Signals / Assistant Referee Hand Signals 

Referee Hand Signals 


Assistant Referee Hand Signals







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